BACK to How to Assemble K-D Storm Sash

Laying out Sash Components and Putting Together Sash
1- Parts Set Out - 2- Put on Rails- 3- Drive Rails In with Mallet- 4- Put on Second Stile- 5- Drive Stile on with Mallet

1- The stiles and rails are laid out on the table in their respective locations with their outside (glass rabbet) faces up.  Each piece should have a red or blue reference mark showing, with the marks pointing toward the glass edges.

2- Turn one stile up on edge, and insert the tenon of each rail into its respective mortise. BE CAREFUL TO MAINTAIN PROPER ORIENTATION OF STILE AND RAILS.

3- Using a rubber mallet, drive each rail in about a third of the way.

4- Put the other stile on, engaging each tenon with its respective mortise.

5- With the Rubber Mallet, drive the stile on each tenon a little at a time until it is engaged about 1/2" to 1" on each tenon.

6- The sash is now ready to be clamped up.

Click on images below to view at larger size.

1- Sash Parts Laid Out on Table

1- Sash Parts Laid Out on Table
2- Inserting Tenons into Mortises

2- Inserting Tenons into Mortises
3- Driving in Rails with a Rubber Mallet

3- Driving in Rails with a Rubber Mallet
4- Putting Second Stile into Position

4- Putting Second Stile into Position
5- Driving Stile On with Rubber Mallet

5- Driving Stile On with Rubber Mallet
Sash Ready for Clamping

Sash Ready for Clamping